Fraze exemplificatoare cu OIL
- Truth and oil are ever above. (Adevărul iese la iveală ca untdelemnul.)
- Whether is lighter, oil or water? (Ce este mai ușor, untdelemnul sau apa?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Prepare yourself for the world, as the athletes used to do for their exercise; oil your mind and your manners, to give them the necessary suppleness and flexibility; strength alone will not do. (Pregătește-te pentru viață, așa cum atleții se pregăteau prin antrenamentele lor. Perfecționează-ți intelectul și manierele, dă-le suplețea și flexibilitatea necesare; doar forța nu e de ajuns.) - Earl of Chesterfield
- Man will never understand woman and vice versa. We are oil and water. An equal level can never be maintained, as one will always excel where the other doesn't, and that breeds resentment. (Bărbatul nu va înțelege niciodată femeia și reciproc. Suntem ca uleiul și apa. Nicicând nu se poate menține o proporție egală, căci întotdeauna unul va excela acolo unde celălalt nu o face și asta dă naștere resentimentelor.) - Dionne Warwick
- I wonder what will come to an end first, the oil or the blood? (Ce se va epuiza mai repede în această lume: petrolul sau sângele?) - Hasier Agirre
Alte exemple de fraze cu OIL
- This oil field used to produce an order of magnitude more oil as it does now.
- A ship which conveys oil is called an oil tanker.
- Could you fill it up and take a look at the oil, too?
- There is little oil in Japan.
- That was cooked in oil.
- Oil this bicycle.
- The price of oil is going up.
- I ran off some of the oil.
- They operated an oil well.
- Shall I check the oil?
- Oil is of great use to us.
- Keep oil away from the fire.
- We had to do without oil during the war.
- We take oil for granted.
- Water is heavier than oil.
- The world is running out of oil.
- You can't mix oil with water.
- That country abounds in oil.
- The time may come when people will have used up all the oil.
- A new oil tanker was launched.
- I work for an oil company.
- My clothes were dirty with oil.
- Water and oil are both liquids.
- Until recently we took oil for granted.
- Oil is transported by tanker.
- They substituted coal for oil.
- Oil is running short.
- Supplies of oil are not infinite.
- Oil will float on water.
- You can not mix oil and water.
- They cashed in on the second oil crisis.
- They are boring the ground for oil.
- They are loading oil into the ship.
- They intended to drill for oil.
- He is famous as an oil king.
- He made a fortune in oil.
- He is said to have made a fortune in oil.
- Japan was hard up for oil.
- Oil may not last for another hundred years.
- Oil does not mix with water.
- We should substitute alcohol for oil.
- Our stock of oil is running out.
- The price of oil is down this week.
- America abounds in oil.
- This stove burned oil.
- We've run short of oil.
- This country is rich in oil.
- Oil is scarce in this country.
- The water was fouled by oil.
- Oil is abundant in that country.
- That country's wealth comes from its oil.
- Oil is necessary to run various machines.
- There's no salad oil left.
- Is there any salad oil in the bottle?
- This engine consumes the most oil.
- Arabia abounds in oil.
- The machine creaked for want of oil.
- Oil is extracted from olives.
- It will be little more than a hundred years before we use all the oil up.
- We are not short of oil in this country.
- We will run short of oil some day.
- Do the trains run on diesel oil?
- The geologists explored for oil on our farm.
- We want to explore an underwater oil field.
- There is oil in hair in its natural state.
- The oil is discharged at Tokyo port.
- He bought flour and oil in quantity.
- Oil and water don't mix.
- Japan depends on other countries for oil.
- He bought a lot of flour and oil.
- Oil has been discovered under the North Sea.
- She bought flour and oil in quantity.
- She fried fish in salad oil.
- The oil in mayonnaise sometimes separates from the other ingredients.
- Looks like I might have to burn the midnight oil tonight.
- A tanker is a ship carrying oil.
- Oil and water won't blend with each other.
- The well delivers a great deal of oil.
- The discovery of oil was a lucky accident.
- The discovery of oil enriched the country.
- One quality of oil is that it floats on water.
- This heating system burns oil.
- Oil and water don't blend.
- The oil ran through a thick pipe.
- I'll burn the midnight oil tonight.
- I bought a bottle of salad oil.
- I have to burn the midnight oil tonight.
- Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
- We'd like to order 18MT of olive oil.
- This firm ranks second in the oil trade.
- We learned that oil floats on water.
- Oil paintings show to advantage at a distance.
- Japan imports a large quantity of oil.
- The oil companies increased the price of gas again.
- He risked his whole fortune to discover new oil fields.
- They make used cooking oil into soap at that factory.
- The crude oil price is falling continously.
- Oil on canvas can never paint a petal so delicate.
- The old Italian oil painting was never exhibited in public.
- For you to come out and say that kind of thing now would just be pouring oil on the fire.
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