Exemple din articole cu nin
- inta udahxeyso isgoosyada dabka iyo kan bakaaraha oo lasoo dhigay nin meed ah.
- Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca oo Shariif Daaciye Samatar nin lagu magacaabo ku xukuntay Xabsi Sadex Bilood ah.
- The 'outfit' graphic was inspired by a Richard Merkin piece on the front of my Anais Nin book, Little Birds (good book and great author, btw).
- Laba maalin kahor ayey aheyd markii maxkamadda magaalada Guricel ay xukun musaafuris ah ku riday nin isagana lagu eedeeyay in uu xiriir la leeyahay xarakada mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab.
- Anais Nin always reminds me of how my piscean friends carry on when they are in the throes of a fresh crush or about to start justifying an affair, texting something really naff to a lover after they have drunk too much at lunch.
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