Fraze exemplificatoare cu matter
- It doesn't matter sixpence. (N-are nicio importanță.)
- The matter is serious enough. (Chestiunea e foarte serioasă.)
- The matter will not rest there. (Lucrările nu se vor opri aici.)
- There is a matter in it. (E o chestie.)
- There is nothing the matter with him. (Totul e în regulă.)
- There is nothing the matter with you. (Totul e în regulă.)
- There the matter rests. (Așa stau lucrurile.)
- What is the matter with? (Ce s-a întâmplat cu?)
- What's the matter with it? (Și ce-i cu asta?)
- What's the matter with you? (Ce se întâmplă cu tine?)
- With him it's all a matter of money. (Pentru el totul e o chestie de bani.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it's a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free. (Secretul unei vieți desăvârșite stă doar în a gândi într-un mod desăvârșit. Atât: e doar o chestiune de a ne programa mințile prin folosirea acelor informații care ne vor elibera.) - Charles Swindoll
- We need to make a decision, no matter what it is. (Trebuie să luăm o hotărâre, indiferent care ar fi aceasta.) - Suzanne Botts
- Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter. (Evenimentele din trecut pot fi împărțite, în mare, în evenimente care probabil nu s-au întâmplat și evenimente care nu contează.) - W.R. Inge
- Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism. (Orice formă de dependență este rea, indiferent dacă narcoticul este alcoolul, morfina sau idealismul.) - Carl Gustav Jung
- War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. (Războiul este o problemă mult prea importantă pentru a fi lăsat în seama armatei.) - Georges Clemenceau
- An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run. (Un idealist va crede că viitorul apropiat nu contează. Un cinic va crede că viitorul îndepărtat nu contează. Un realist va crede că ceea ce se face sau nu se face în viitorul apropiat, va determina cursul viitorului îndepărtat.) - Sydney J. Harris
- I think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is. (Cred că este vorba despre iubire; cu cât iubești mai mult o amintire, cu atât devine mai puternică și mai stranie.) - Vladimir Nabokov
- The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. (Adevărul este că întotdeauna știm ceea ce trebuie făcut. Partea grea este să facem acel lucru.) - H. Norman Schwarzkopf
- My mind's sunk so low, Claudia, because of you, wrecked itself on your account so bad already, that I couldn't like you if you were the best of women,--or stop loving you, no matter what you do. (Mintea mea a decăzut atât de mult din cauza ta, Claudia, deja s-a distrus extrem de mult datorită ție, încât n-aș mai putea să te plac nici dacă ai fi cea mai bună dintre femei, - și n-aș putea să nu te mai iubesc, indiferent ce-ai face.) - Catullus
- No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head. (Oriunde mergi și orice faci, trăiești întreaga viață cu limitele impuse de mintea ta.) - Terry Josephson
Alte exemple de fraze cu matter
- It is essential to get at the heart of the matter, no matter what they are.
- Included in the printed matter category is what is called 'special mailbag printed matter'.
- As a matter of fact, he knows very little of the matter.
- She'll do it as a matter of course.
- What is the matter with him?
- He has something to do with the matter.
- As a matter of course you must go there yourself.
- As a matter of course, you must go there yourself.
- That's a matter of course.
- I have nothing to do with the matter.
- That is another matter.
- What is the matter with you?
- As regards the matter, I know nothing.
- What matter is whether you do your best or not.
- What's the matter?
- No matter what you do, do your best.
- I had nothing to do with the matter.
- As a matter or course, he is quite right.
- No matter what happens, you must be here by nine.
- Let us keep this matter to ourselves.
- Please look into this matter as soon as you can.
- By the way, what is the matter with him?
- She has nothing to do with the matter.
- See to this matter right away, will you?
- I have nothing to do with this matter.
- What do you have to do with the matter?
- What do you have to do with this matter?
- He seems to know nothing about the matter.
- No matter he says, I'll never believe him again.
- I want to see him no matter what.
- No matter what he says, I'll never believe him again.
- Let's keep this matter between ourselves.
- No matter what you may do you must do your best.
- It seems that he has something to do with the matter.
- It is better to say nothing about the matter.
- If at all possible, you should go and look into the matter yourself.
- It does not matter to me whether you come or not.
- Is anything the matter with him?
- I'll go no matter what.
- Why not look into the matter yourself?
- I said nothing about the matter.
- He has nothing to do with the matter.
- You can only let the matter take its own course.
- You should look into the matter at once.
- I will look into the matter.
- We must look into the matter at once.
- Nothing is the matter with me.
- That is quite another matter.
- How shall we deal with this matter?
- Let's debate with each other about the matter.
- I consulted him about the matter.
- There must be something at the back of this matter.
- He laughed the matter away.
- He began to look into the matter.
- There is no choice in this matter.
- He acted on the matter.
- This matter must not be trifled with.
- They are inquiring into the matter.
- We must take this matter into account as a whole.
- I disagree with you on the matter.
- I would like to know how you will proceed in this matter.
- Your help would be appreciated on this matter.
- It is a trivial matter.
- Get me all the information you can on this matter.
- There is little, if any, risk in this matter.
- I will get in touch with you again about this matter.
- He didn't tell me what was the matter.
- Do you have anything to say with regard to this matter?
- I can't agree with them on this matter.
- Let's try another approach to the matter.
- I would like to talk with you about this matter.
- Let's take up this matter after lunch.
- How do you view this matter?
- Discussing the matter further will get you nowhere.
- Please keep me informed of the matter.
- He lied about the matter.
- We need to settle the serious matter at once.
- He seems to be involved in that matter.
- I spoke with him about the matter.
- The matter is nothing more than an accident.
- I'm to be blamed for that matter.
- The matter does not concern me.
- We have to study the matter.
- He explained the matter to me.
- Let's discuss the matter later.
- I found it best to say nothing about the matter.
- I will advise you on the matter.
- That matter will take care of itself.
- The matter is now under consideration.
- He tried to argue the matter away.
- Don't tell anybody about the matter.
- This is the most important matter of all.
- The matter should be tried in public.
- The matter made his name known.
- You should sound him out about the matter.
- It's no small matter.
- He will advise you on that matter.
- There is no use discussing the matter further.
- We intend to look into that matter.
- The matter comes under MITI.
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