Fraze exemplificatoare cu hair
- I shall have my hair cut. (Mă voi tunde.)
- I'm going to get my hair cut. (Mă duc să mă tund.)
- My hair stood on end. (Mi se făcuse părul măciucă.)
- One's hair stands on end. (I se face părul măciucă.)
- She took up her hair on top of the head. (Și-a făcut coafura montantă.)
- She wore her hair up. (Purta părul ridicat.)
- The hair or wool may or may not have been removed. (Părul sau lâna pot fi sau nu îndepărtate.)
- Your hair wants cutting. (Ar trebui să te tunzi.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair. (Ce păcat că oamenii care știu să conducă o țară sunt ocupați să ne tundă sau să conducă taxiuri.) - George Burns
- Experience is a comb that is given to you, when you have already lost you hair. (Experiența este un pieptene, care ți se dă când ți-ai pierdut deja părul.) - Giorgos Zambetas
- Thirty-the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief-case of enthusiasm, thinning hair. (Treizeci de ani - promisiunea unei decade de singurătate, lista de bărbați singuri pe care ii poți cunoaște se scurtează, geamantanul de entuziasm se subțiază, și părul se rărește.) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- I take my books everywhere. Plane journeys are a good opportunity to study, or also when I'm having my hair done. (Îmi iau cărțile cu mine peste tot. Călătoriile cu avionul sunt o bună ocazie de a studia, ca și în timp ce sunt coafată.) - Lily Cole
- I don't really like dressing up. Some people probably think actresses dress up everywhere they go. I'm in sweatpants half the time with my hair in a ponytail. (Nu-mi place să mă gătesc. Unii oameni cred că actrițele se gătesc oriunde ar merge. Stau în colanți și cu părul strâns în coadă de cal jumătate din timp.) - Selena Gomez
- One of the strangest things about being an actor is that people you don't know feel that they are allowed to comment on your hair, body, clothes, relationships. (Unul dintre lucrurile cele mai stranii ale meseriei de actor este că persoane pe care nu le cunoști simt că li se permite să comenteze despre părul, trupul, hainele și relațiile tale.) - Courtney Thorne-Smith
- When we started this show, my hair was black and the president was white. (Când am început să facem această emisiune, părul meu era negru, iar președintele era alb.) - Jay Leno
- Soon after that, the Queen gives birth to a baby girl who is as white as snow, has lips red as blood and has hair as black as ebony. They name her 'Snow White'. (A fost odată ca niciodată o prințesă foarte drăguță; și avea această prințesă pielea albă ca zăpada, buzele și obrajii roșii ca sângele, iar părul ei era negru ca abanosul. I se spunea Albă ca zăpada.) - Frații Grimm
Alte exemple de fraze cu hair
- She had her hair cut because she liked shorter hair, not because she had lost her love.
- The hair of the inset of the foot of the stepfather of the mason of Father Pedro is black. Whoever says the hair of the inset of the foot of the stepfather of the mason of Father Pedro isn't black, has the hair of the inset of the foot more black than the black hair of the inset of the foot of the stepfather of the mason of Father Pedro.
- Keep one's hair on.
- Let your hair down a little.
- Keep your hair on!
- My hair is so messy!
- She is doing her hair simply.
- I'd like you to cut my hair.
- I've got to fix my hair.
- There's a hair in my soup.
- My hair is greasy.
- She has abundant hair.
- Nobody ever saw hide or hair of him.
- Her hair came down to her shoulders.
- Her hair comes to her shoulders.
- What long hair you've got!
- She went to the hairdresser's to have her hair done.
- I would like my hair in this style.
- You should go and have your hair cut.
- She has long hair.
- You had better have your hair cut.
- She is brushing her hair.
- I would like to have my hair cut.
- Her hair came out from under her hat.
- Your hair needs cutting.
- Just brush your hair.
- She keeps her hair in curls.
- My hair has grown out.
- I have to comb my hair.
- She has short hair.
- I'm getting more and more gray hair.
- He has blond hair.
- Her hair is long.
- Her hair is very short.
- My hair got kinky.
- Comb your hair before you go out.
- He was saved by a hair.
- She is now well enough to wash her hair by herself.
- He had his hair cut.
- Your hair really does look untidy.
- Your hair is too long.
- You'd better have your hair cut at once.
- Your hair wants cutting.
- You should get your hair cut.
- She has altered the way she does her hair.
- I got my hair cut.
- She always keeps her hair clean.
- How do you want your hair cut?
- Where did you get your hair cut?
- I like short hair.
- She was busy doing her hair.
- Why are you drying your hair?
- Long hair is out of fashion now.
- They wear their hair bobbed.
- She had long hair last year.
- She always has her hair done by a famous hairdresser.
- Her hair became gray with the years.
- She made his hair curl.
- Her hair is streaked with gray.
- Her new hair-do made her look younger.
- I saw a girl whose hair came down to her waist.
- She explained to me how to use the hair drier.
- She arranged her hair for the party.
- I saw a girl with long hair.
- Look at the girl whose hair is long.
- He has his hair cut once a month.
- Her hair fell over her shoulder.
- Her hair feels like silk.
- He had long hair last year.
- Her hair is turning gray.
- Her hair is wet with sweat.
- He wears his hair long.
- He is beginning to lose his hair.
- He had his hair cut short.
- He wept tearing his hair.
- Her hair is long and beautiful.
- He had dark brown hair.
- His hair style is behind the time.
- I remarked on his hair style.
- She touched her hair. It was wet.
- They look alike except for the color of their hair.
- His hair has turned white.
- Her hair is naturally curly.
- Bind one's hair at the back.
- You look nice with your hair short.
- A lot of my hair has fallen out.
- His hair stood on end.
- His hair is receding from his forehead.
- Her hair grew back.
- His hair is blond and he looks young.
- The woman's hair is actually quite short.
- Maria has long hair.
- The girl has golden hair.
- The girl had flowing hair.
- Susie's hair is very long.
- Grief has silvered her hair.
- She looks cute with her hair short.
- She wears her hair in a bun.
- She rubbed her hair with a towel.
- That boy has black hair.
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