Fraze exemplificatoare cu Date
- The date must be the same in both cases. (În aceste două cazuri, data este aceeași.)
- The date of sampling must be given. (Trebuie indicată data prelevării de probe.)
- The date of the last review is unknown. (Data ultimei revizuiri este necunoscută.)
- The date of the last update is unknown. (Data ultimei actualizări este necunoscută.)
- The indication of the date of manufacture is mandatory. (Data de fabricație trebuie menționată obligatoriu)
- Therefore, this date should be corrected. (În consecință, trebuie rectificată această dată.)
- This date may be prior to that of the application. (Această dată poate fi anterioară datei cererii.)
- This date may be prior to that of the decision. (Această dată poate fi anterioară datei deciziei.)
- This decision shall take effect on the date of its adoption. (Prezenta decizie produce efecte la data adoptării.)
- What is the date today? (În ce zi suntem?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- I prefer to date older women because they don't try to act older like younger girls but because they try to act younger. (Prefer să-mi dau întâlnire cu femei mai în vârstă pentru că nu încearcă să se poarte ca și cum ar fi mature, ca fetele tinere, ci pentru că încearcă să se poarte ca și cum ar fi tinere.) - Heath Ledger
- I will not date a depressed woman. I want to have fun. (Nu mă voi întâlni cu o femeie depresivă. Vreau să mă distrez.) - George Hamilton
- I prefer to date older women because they don't try to act older like younger girls but because they try to act younger. (Prefer să mă întâlnesc cu femei mai în vârstă pentru că ele nu încearcă să facă pe maturele, cum fac tinerele, ci joacă rolul unor persoane mai tinere.) - Heath Ledger
- I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date. (Nu mă aștept ca milionul să fie vreodată câștigat, pur și simplu pentru că nu există nici o dovadă care să confirme nici una dintre aserțiunile paranormale de până acum.) - James Randi
- Make time together a priority. Budget for a consistent date night. Time is the currency of relationships, so consistently invest time in your marriage. (Fă din timpul petrecut împreună o prioritate. Alocă timp pentru o întâlnire în toată regula. Timpul este "valuta relațiilor" așa că investește timp consistent în relația ta.) - Dave Willis
- It's not about who you date. It's about who you're looking for. (Nu este vorba despre... pe cine întâlnești. Este vorba despre... pe cine cauți.) - Coco Nicole Estef
Alte exemple de fraze cu Date
- Do you ever date her?
- That textbook is out of date.
- This information is not as up-to-date as it should be.
- I have an up-to-date dictionary.
- I'm not sure of the exact date.
- This book is a little out of date.
- I asked for a date.
- This is my best work to date.
- I asked her for a date, only to have her say no.
- May I have your birth date?
- The computer is up to date.
- This car is out of date.
- This car is up to date.
- This old book is quite out of date.
- Your opinion seems to be out of date.
- What are you doing dressed so well? Do you have a date or something?
- The streetcar is now certainly out of date.
- We should do away with out-of-date customs.
- Your ideas are all out of date.
- It seems that my methods are more up to date.
- This coat is out of date.
- This machine has gone out of date.
- This machine is now out of date.
- Such a method is out of date.
- Those shoes are out of date.
- His ideas are up to date.
- I prevail on her to have a date with me.
- What's the date of the letter?
- Write in the date yourself.
- The dictionary is up to date.
- She has never been asked for a date.
- That car is quite up to date.
- What is the date today?
- When you have written your name, please write the date.
- I had a date with Jane last night.
- I have a date with my uncle tomorrow.
- Could you suggest an alternative date?
- I cannot remember the date offhand.
- They determined the date for the trip.
- When you have written your name, write the date.
- They advanced the wedding date.
- He told me to make sure of the date.
- Can we make a lunch date?
- The date has been appointed but the place has not.
- We agreed on a date for the next meeting.
- Please advise me of the date for the next meeting.
- We advanced the date of the meeting.
- The horse and buggy is now definitely out of date.
- When he got her alone for a moment, he asked for a date.
- He was looking forward to that evening's date.
- I forget the date of the meeting.
- He has a date with Mary this afternoon.
- Can I change the date of return?
- Write the date of your birth.
- This book is his best effort to date.
- It is very hard to date this vase.
- Let's fix the date for the picnic.
- The date of the party is still up in the air.
- How can I succeed in getting a date with Nancy?
- We will let you know the time and date of the meeting soon.
- The laboratory has the most up-to-date equipment.
- We made a date to meet soon.
- In the factory all the equipment was up to date.
- The date on the coin is 1921.
- Please call me and set up a date sometime.
- Write down your date of birth here.
- Can I go on a date with Ken, Mom?
- Andy is never late for a date.
- Fix a date for the meeting.
- Miniskirts have been out of date for some time.
- An up-to-date edition of the encyclopedia will come out next month.
- "I'm just popping out on a date, OK?" "Come home by 7, Sakura!"
- I'd like to change the date to tomorrow night.
- We fixed the date for our class reunion.
- The date and place of the meeting have been fixed.
- The stone was inscribed with the date of his death.
- We have to bring our teaching methods up to date.
- The time and date suited our coach.
- We have to fix the date for our trip quickly.
- They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper.
- They haven't fixed a date for their marriage yet.
- Michael, this is the restaurant where your father and I had our first date.
- She wrote the date in numeric form.
- Frankly speaking, your way of thinking is out of date.
- Would you please inform me of the expected shipping date?
- Our teacher advanced the date of the exam.
- The date of manufacture is shown on the lid.
- The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964.
- This type of blouse is beginning to date.
- We set the time and date for the game.
- We need to make inquiries about the date of the examination.
- The date of the festival coincides with that of the exam.
- I'm thinking of going to Disneyland next date with Jane.
- He said we just crossed the International Date Line.
- When John goes on a date, he's known to be a big spender.
- I must bring my address book up to date.
- I had to finish the job by the stated date.
- Could you change the departure date for this ticket?
- I'll bring you up to date with hometown news.
- We suggest April 6 as a date for your visit.
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