Citate exemplificatoare
- One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. (Cel care nu-i conștient de propria valoare este condamnat la eșec.) - Imam Ali
- Man is condemned to be free. (Omul este condamnat să fie liber.) - Jean-Paul Sartre
- The judge stands condemned when the guilty is let off. (Judecătorul e condamnat când vinovatul e achitat.) - Publilius Syrus
- We are condemned to civilization. (Suntem condamnați la civilizație.) - Euclides da Cunha
Exemple de fraze cu Condemned
- I was condemned for my disobedience.
- He was condemned to death.
- He must be condemned for breaking his promise.
- They condemned him for his cruelty to animals.
- The judge condemned him to death.
- Whoever believes in him is not condemned. [Bible]
- Your soul has been condemned to hell.
- She was condemned to lead a miserable life.
- The government's actions were condemned worldwide.
- He condemned racial discrimination as evil.
- The accused was condemned to ten years in prison.
- The allies condemned the invasion as a violation of UN resolutions.
- But whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's only son.
- The prosecution condemned the defendant for kidnapping a child.
- According to today's morning paper, the condemned criminal committed suicide.
- Shocked by the events of September 11th, politicians all over the world condemned the terrorists of their reprehensible deed.
Exemple din articole cu Condemned
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