Fraze exemplificatoare cu Broad
- What with summertime it was still broad daylight. (Întrucât era vară era încă lumină ca ziua.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight. (Trăim într-o lume în care suntem nevoiți să ne ascundem pentru a face dragoste, în timp ce violența se practică în văzul tuturor.) - John Lennon
Alte exemple de fraze cu Broad
- His broad interests bring him broad views on everything.
- He has broad shoulders.
- She has a broad view of things.
- I am told he has a broad back.
- There is a broad street near my house.
- The main street is very broad.
- It was broad daylight when I woke up.
- You should always keep a broad perspective on the work you do.
- Jim has broad shoulders.
- The city has many broad streets.
- The broad river flows slowly.
- He had his car stolen in broad daylight.
- The word has acquired broad meaning.
- A broad river runs through the city.
- Her mind is broad enough to listen to his son.
- Man is also an animal in a broad sense.
- This road is so broad that buses can pass easily.
- Fortunately he is in a good position and has broad shoulders.
- Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.
- A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight.
- The broad lines on the map correspond to roads.
- The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight.
- Women's Liberation is a broad-based but informal popular movement.
- Into this broad category fall companies that run money lending and insurance businesses.
- When we arrived at the house, Chin and Chilla were sitting at the top of a broad flight of stairs.
- We provide broad services to the computer end users, based on our experience and technical expertise.
- Another tendency of many Japanese that bothers foreigners is to make statements that are too general and too broad by using or implying words like "all" and "every".
- Over seven years ago, the United States pursued al Qaeda and the Taliban with broad international support. We did not go by choice, we went because of necessity.
- Central Bank is a bank that deals mainly with other banks and the government and assumes broad responsibilities in the interests of the national economy apart from the earning of profits.
Exemple din articole cu Broad
- Assistance dogs help people with a broad range of disabilities function.
- Abu Dhabi - The United Arab Emirates and Germany are in "very broad agreement" on the proper response to Iran's controversial nuclear program, Germany's foreign minister said in Abu Dhabi Sunday.
- Ahead of me, someone heard the din of the people on the Broad Way, and heard the name of God, and heard the music, and the pastors shouting.
- Google claims that their session-based broad match option allows for greater ad reach to searchers using long-tail keywords.
- All three proposals are in broad agreement as to the basic procedures needed to prevent malicious double-stranded DNA orders.
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