Fraze exemplificatoare cu BRIGHT
- She's a bright article! (Ce mai poamă!)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. (Oricine este un geniu cel puțin o dată pe an. Adevăratele genii au, pur și simplu, idei sclipitoare mai apropiate.) - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- You cannot believe in honor until you have achieved it. Better keep yourself clean and bright you are the window through which you must see the world. (Nu poți să crezi în onoare pana nu ai avut-o. Mai bine pastrează-te curat și optimist, căci tu ești fereastra prin care trebuie să vezi lumea.) - Walter Besant
- Christmas night, stars shine bright, and all the angels are singing. 'The Son of God is Born' Little child, holy child, how I want to be near you, this blessed Christmas night. (Noapte de Craciun, stelele strălucesc puternic și toți îngerii cântă. "S-a născut fiul lui Dumnezeu", copilașul, copilul sfânt, cât de mult îmi doresc să fiu aproape de tine, în această binecuvântată noapte de Crăciun.) - Garry Gamble
- Popularity has a bright side, it unlocks many doors. But the truth is that I don't like it very much because it changes the private life into a very small thing. (Popularitatea are o parte frumoasă; descuie multe uși. Însă adevărul este că nu-mi place foarte mult, pentru că îți transformă viața privată într-un lucru nesemnificativ.) - Gina Lollobrigida
- I love my father as the stars - he's a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart. (Îmi iubesc tatăl precum iubesc stelele - el este un exemplu strălucitor și o sclipire fericită în inima mea.) - Terri Guillemets
- Here are the 7 wonders of the Romanian world: sunny days, hot temperatures, warm hearts, bright minds, colourful imagination, golden fields and delicious food! (Iată cele 7 minuni ale lumii românești: zile însorite, temperaturi ridicate, inimi calde, minți strălucitoare, imaginație colorată, câmpuri aurii și mâncare delicioasă!) - Michelle Rosenberg
Alte exemple de fraze cu BRIGHT
- He is very bright, and his brother is as bright.
- This is too bright.
- She is very bright.
- I'm anything but bright.
- Their eyes were all bright.
- He is not witty or bright.
- She is always bright and smiling.
- You have a bright future.
- She is not only pretty, but also bright.
- He is bright, and what is more, he is polite.
- It is bright and clear.
- He is bright, but he is not honest.
- He is by no means bright.
- He is not less bright than his brother.
- In spring everything looks bright.
- The stars are bright.
- He has a bright future.
- She is as bright as any in her class.
- Everybody was bright at the party.
- The cow is anything but bright.
- Cows are anything but bright.
- She is as hardworking as she is bright.
- That's a bright idea.
- She is not merely beautiful but bright.
- No other boy in his class is as bright as he.
- But his eyes were blue and bright.
- He was dazzled by the bright light.
- He was such a bright boy others admired him.
- There are bright prospects of success.
- A bright idea occurred to me.
- He is very bright, and what is more, he studies hard.
- The sky was bright and clear.
- He is what we call a bright boy.
- The sun was shining bright.
- He was a bright little fellow of eleven.
- You look happy, so bright and early.
- The morning sun is so bright that I cannot see it.
- The moon was bright last night.
- The garden is bright with flowers.
- He may well be proud of his bright son.
- Bright ideas never occur to me.
- The moon is shining bright.
- They all thought of her as a bright girl.
- Edison was not a bright student.
- Her face was bright with happiness.
- Just then a bright idea occurred to me.
- A very bright idea came to my mind.
- The blood was bright red.
- The bright sun was shining.
- She had bright black eyes.
- I found him a bright boy.
- The day was bright, nor were there clouds above.
- The cloth was dyed bright red.
- Bright as he is, he is slow in giving his opinions.
- They painted their house bright yellow.
- The bright colors arrested our eyes.
- With the sun shining bright, we should go for a swim.
- The view for the country's future is bright.
- The girl was friendly with a bright smile.
- The lake was gleaming in the bright sunshine.
- The square was illuminated by bright lights.
- The heavens are bright with stars tonight.
- I remember him as a cute, bright little boy.
- The star is so bright as to be seen with the naked eye.
- The mother may well be proud of her bright son.
- I saw something very bright fly across the night sky.
- Man likes bright sunshine.
- The use of bright colors is one of the features of his paintings.
- She decorated her room with bright color.
- The bright child can tolerate failure.
- The sky is clear and the sun is bright.
- It was a bright and clear Sunday morning.
- The bright red flowers stood out among the greens.
- A full moon is shining bright in the sky.
- Tom has a bright career as a medical doctor.
- The bright boy comprehended the concept of geometry.
- The boy was bright-eyed with delight at the present.
- The minute I have something to drink, I turn bright red.
- Her skirt was a cheerful shade of bright green.
- My mind is as bright and clean as a stainless mirror.
- A bright child is curious about life and reality.
- She is bright, friendly, kind, and considerate. In brief, she is a good person.
- Methinks my own soul must be a bright invisible green (Thoreau).
- Crows like Tokyo because it is warmer in the city than in the suburbs and bright at night.
- Now the lights of the city were bright and very close, and the streetlights shone all night.
- It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
- I saw a bright red Ferrari parked at the campus gates and my jaw just dropped.
- I made my orange scarf and white smock very bright, so people would notice them right away.
- His victory at this age in an international competition is a good indication of a bright future.
- Incidentally, that the gills of fish are bright red is because there are many 'capillary vessels' collected there, the same as for lungs.
- Now the Little House only saw the sun at noon, and didn't see the moon stars at night at all because light of the city were too bright.
- In the fall, when the days grew shorter and the nights colder, she watched the first frost turn the leaves to bright yellow and orange and red.
- To all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
- To those who seek peace and security. We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
Exemple din articole cu BRIGHT
- Bright Blue Floral Print Luggage, 5 (but 95 in luggage years), passed away peacefully from natural causes on December 27th, 2009.
- THX continues to make LG HDTVs relevant with the announcement that a handful of LED, LCD and plasma HDTVs will be privy to THX's Bright Room viewing mode.
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