Citate exemplificatoare
- It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself. (E nevoie să muncim, dacă nu din înclinație, cel puțin din disperare. Luând în considerare toate aspectele, munca este mai puțin plictisitoare decât distracția.) - Charles Baudelaire
- Someone's boring me. I think it's me. (Cineva mă plictisește. Cred că este vorba despre mine.) - Dylan Thomas
- The way to become boring is to say everything. (Modalitatea de a deveni plictisitor este să spui totul.) - Voltaire
- Never fail to know that if you are doing all the talking, you are boring somebody. (Să știi întotdeauna că dacă tu ești singurul care vorbește, cu siguranță plictisești pe cineva.) - Helen Gurley Brown
- She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasnt boring. (Refuza să se plictisească tocmai pentru că ea nu era plictisitoare.) - Zelda Fitzgerald
- Just standing around looking beautiful is so boring. (Doar să stai și să arăți bine e atât de plictisitor.) - Michelle Pfeiffer
- I've been thinking lately that there really aren't enough hours in a day, so, if I were a super hero I'd probably be very boring and wouldn't offer any real service to the general public. (M-am gândit deunăzi că nu sunt prea multe ore într-o zi, așa că dacă aș fi un supererou, probabil că aș fi foarte plictisitor și nu aș oferi niciun serviciu adevărat publicului general.) - John Gallagher Jr.
- There's nothing more boring than actors talking about acting. (Nu e nimic mai plictisitor decât actori vorbind despre jocul actoricesc.) - James Caan
- I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring! (Nu știu unde voi pleca, de aici, dar îți promit că nu va fi plictisitor!) - David Bowie
Exemple de fraze cu BORING
- Was I really boring?
- His speech got awfully boring.
- This video is boring.
- They are boring a hole.
- How boring this game is!
- The speech was so boring that they went away one by one.
- All the films are boring.
- The holiday is very boring with.
- I saw my old classmate last week. She's as boring as ever.
- I found the book boring.
- Sometimes I have to read boring novels.
- My first day in the university was rather boring.
- The train is boring to wait.
- His novels are, for the most part, very boring.
- My job is dull and boring.
- I can't settle for this boring life.
- If it were not for books, life would be boring.
- His lectures are terribly boring.
- Cocktail parties can be boring.
- The game was slow, and it was also boring.
- They are boring the ground for oil.
- It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep.
- I'm stuck in a rut in my boring job and need to do something new.
- As a matter of fact, his lecture was boring.
- He resigned himself to spending a boring evening.
- So boring was the lecture that he fell asleep.
- The professor's boring lecture put me to sleep.
- The show was so boring that Ann and I fell asleep.
- The work required to investigate that is boring and wearisome.
- Kozue thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless.
- She found the evening boring and uninteresting, in short, a waste of time.
- At the last office I went to I ran out of work after a couple of hours, which made the rest of the day rather boring.
- The emotion they gave me was exquisite, but I could not preserve it, nor could I indefinitely repeat it; the most beautiful things in the world finished by boring me.
Exemple din articole cu BORING
- "Your blog's so boring these days.
- Sebastian Vettel would like nothing more than a boring race in the Australian Grand Prix.
- Two Grand Prix weekends later, the same people who went blowing their trumpets saying F1's boring and no overtakes and the rule changes suck and this year's going to be the worst year and there's no water in my tap, so F1 is boring, .
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