Citate exemplificatoare
- The thing about acting is you don't want to let on how enjoyable it is or then everybody would want to become an actress. But it really is. It's a pleasure to go and exchange your identity. (Farmecul actoriei este că nu vrei să divulgi cât de plăcut este, altfel toată lumea ar dori să devină actor. Dar cu adevărat este o plăcere să îți schimbi identitatea.) - Gena Rowlands
- People say I became an actress because my parents are. I didn't. I was just better at it than waitressing. (Oamenii spun că am devenit actriță pentru că și părinții mei sunt actori. Nu de asta, ci pur și simplu pentru că m-am priceput mai bine la asta decât la a fi chelneriță.) - Emilia Fox
- I wouldn't want to be in a film because I'm Asian. I want to get respect as an actress. (Nu aș vrea să apar într-un film doar pentru că sunt asiatică. Vreau să fiu respectată ca actriță.) - Katie Leung
- You're always compared to someone, especially when you're a French actress. (Întotdeauna ești comparată cu cineva, mai ales dacă ești actriță franceză.) - Virginie Ledoyen
- That's why I'm an actress - escaping into a world. (De aceea sunt actriță, ca să evadez în lume.) - Julie Walters
- I never felt scandal and confession were necessary to be an actress. I've never revealed myself or even my body in films. Mystery is very important. (Nu am simțit niciodată că scandalul și confesiunea erau necesare pentru a fi o actriță. În filme eu niciodată nu m-am descoperit pe mine însămi sau chiar corpul meu. Misterul este foarte important.) - Claudia Cardinale
Exemple de fraze cu actress
- It's said that she's a well-known actress.
- She became an actress.
- Her wish is to be an actress.
- I think your favourite actress is in it.
- She is not so much a singer as an actress.
- She looks as beautiful as if she were an actress.
- I once saw the actress at a distance.
- She became an actress the following year.
- She resembles that actress.
- The actress has a very beautiful name.
- He married an actress.
- I was an angel of an actress.
- That actress is as beautiful as ever.
- My girlfriend is an actress.
- She was an actress and was treated as such.
- It was said that lady was an actress.
- Ms. Brown seems to be an actress.
- I spoke to the actress herself.
- She has always been a popular actress.
- She aimed for become an actress.
- The actress looks younger than she really is.
- She is famous as an actress.
- She is not so much an actress as a singer.
- It was said that the lady had been an actress.
- She was dressed after the fashion of an actress.
- I hear that she's a famous actress.
- I hear she's a famous actress.
- Many fans came running toward the actress.
- He made the actress his wife.
- She had something of the assurance of a famous actress.
- Besides being an actress she was a famous painter.
- She realized her ambition to be an actress.
- She aspires to becoming a great actress.
- I hear that she is a famous actress.
- The actress seems to have walked through her part.
- The two parts were played by one and the same actress.
- The actress was dressed beautifully.
- The rumor is going around that the actress is going to get a divorce.
- The actress is very popular with ladies.
- The actress said that she was engaged to a banker.
- The actress murdered her lines.
- The actress made her debut when she was eight.
- People say she was an actress when she was young.
- The audience applauded the actress.
- That actress is the shining star in the company.
- The actress sued the magazine for libel.
- The actress is popular with young people.
- The actress greeted her fans from the stage.
- That actress made three entrances onto the stage.
- There were a lot of people who came to ask after the famous actress.
- The actress on the stage was heavily made up.
- To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress.
- The actress always wears expensive jewels.
- The actress tore up her contract angrily.
- He said he knew the famous actress, which was a lie.
- The actress fell backward over the stage.
- The teen-age actress has quite a few fans.
- Her mind is filled with dreams of becoming an actress.
- She is said to have been an actress about twenty years ago.
- I think that actress is one of the most beautiful women on earth.
- Kate's wish is to prove that she is a worthy actress.
- The lady dressed in white is a famous actress.
- The fans sought to shake the actress's hand.
- She has finally been regarded by the nation as the most charismatic actress.
- The actress was presented a bouquet of flowers after the performance.
- The actress brought the whole silly play to life.
- She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.
- Joan became a great actress in spite of having had a difficult childhood.
- According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring.
- When I passed by in car, I caught a glimpse of the house of a famous actress.
Exemple din articole cu actress
- NBA journeyman Earl Watson claimed in a divorce petition last week that his wife, actress Jennifer Freeman, exploded in rage at Watson after he checked her.
- It is revealed that Jenny, the personal assistant who quit via dry-erase board and e-mail because she couldn't stand her boss, was, indeed, an actress playing a part that captured the imagination of millions.
- My current mystery series features actress and crime-buster Rita Farmer, whose epicenter is Los Angeles.
- Young Broadway Actress To Receive Life-Saving Operation | On Stage is NY1's coverage of theater news on Broadway and Off Broadway, on Time Warner Cable's 24-hour newschannel in New York City.
- There are a lot of new faces among the Emmy nominnes -- just not among the nominees for outstanding lead actor and actress in a comedy series.
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