dictionar roman englez


gest gesture
gest motion
gest de ștergere scratch-out gesture
gest de tăiere strikethrough gesture
gest reflex reflex
Gestapo Gestapo
gestație gestation
a gesticula to throw one's arms aboutconjugări
a gesticula to gesticulateconjugări
a gesticula to saw the airconjugări
a gesticula to signconjugări
a gesticula to make great play withconjugări
gesticulare sign
gesticulări signs
gesticulat gesticulated
gesticulat signed
gesticulație gesticulation
a gestiona to administrateconjugări
a gestiona to manageconjugări
a gestiona to operateconjugări

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed