dictionar roman englez


Este o conjugare a verbului a ara.

ar would
ar cam fi timpul it is about time
Ar cam fi timpul să plecăm. It is high time we went.
Ar dura o veșnicie sș-ti explic totul. It would take forever for me to explain everything.
Ar fi bine s-o rescrii. You had better write it again.
Ar fi bine s-o rescrii. You'd better write it again.
Ar fi cazul s-o conduci la gară. You should see her off to the station.
Ar fi de dorit s-o rescrii. You had better write it again.
Ar fi de dorit s-o rescrii. You'd had better write it again.
Ar fi distractiv să vedem cum se vor schimba lucrurile peste ani. It would be fun to see how things change over the years.
Ar fi dorit mult ca el să nu fie acolo. She could have wishedhim further.
ar fi mai bine să would better
Ar fi mai bine să te oprești. You'd better stop.
ar fi preferabil să be as well to
Ar fi recomandabil s-o rescrii. You had better write it again.
Ar fi trebuit să refuzi o ofertă atât de inechitabilă. You should have refused such an unfair proposal.
Ar fi venit. She would have come.
Ar fi vrut să fie acasă iar. She wished herself home again.
Ar părea că-i dai crezare. You seem to believe him.
ar trebui ought

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