whacked out
whacked out | amețit | de băutură; argou în limba engleză | |||
whacked out | beat | de băutură; argou în limba engleză |
Termeni asemănători cu "whacked out": the wackiest, the waxiest, the wisest, the wooziest, the wuzziest, to wash out, to waste, to waste away, to weigh with, to weight, wage cost, wagged, waist, waked, washed, washed away, washed out, washed-out, washout, waste, wasted, waxed, wayside, weekday, weighed, weight, weighted, weighty, west, West, whacked, whacked to the wide, whazood, wheezed, whisked, whist, whiz kid, whizzed, whooshed, wicked, wicket, wigged out, wised, wished, Wysty.
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