dictionar englez roman

to wear off

to wear offa atenuaconjugări
to wear offa înlăturaconjugări
to wear off the stiffness of one's shoesa lărgi pantofii prin purtatconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to wear off": tariff, tarp, therapy, thereby, thereof, thorb, Thorpe, throb, to tariff, to tear up, to terrify, to thrive, to throb, to throw off, to throw up, to trap, to trip, to trip up, to turf, tow-rope, towrope, trap, treeview, Trev, tribe, triff, trip, Trip, trip-hop, tripe, trippy, Trivi, trivia, troop, trope, trophy, troupe, turf, twerp.

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