dictionar englez roman

to have out

to have outa face să iasăpe cineva sau cevaconjugări
to have outa duce la bun sfârșitconjugări
to have outa îndeplini până la sfârșitconjugări
to have outa epuizaconjugări
to have outa goli de conținutconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to have out": Tabatha, Tabbatha, Tabbitha, Tabitha, taboid, tabooed, tapped out, tappet, tea pad, tea pot, teapot, tepid, tepidity, the head of a bed, the pot, the type of body, theft, Thibaud, Thibaut, thieved, tidbit, Tiebout, tiffed, tipped, tiptoe, titbit, titivated, to a fit, to be updated, to boot, to tap out, to the bad, to tie up to, to tie up with, to titivate, Tobit, top body, top fifty, top fifty-two, top hat, top to toe, top two, toped, topped, towpath, tuft, two bit, two-bit, type of aid, type of data, type of diet, typed, typhoid, typified.

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