dictionar englez roman

to bring one's eggs

to bring one's eggsa-și conduce prost treburileconjugări
to bring one's eggsa da chixconjugări
to bring one's eggsa eșuaconjugări
to bring one's eggsa face o afacere proastăconjugări
to bring one's eggsa suferi un eșecconjugări
to bring one's eggsa suferi un fiascoconjugări
to bring one's eggsa vinde în pierdereconjugări
to bring one's eggs to a bad marketa da greșconjugări
to bring one's eggs to a bad marketa-și greși socotelileconjugări
to bring one's eggs to a bad marketa nu reușiconjugări
to bring one's eggs to the wrong marketa da greșconjugări
to bring one's eggs to the wrong marketa-și greși socotelileconjugări
to bring one's eggs to the wrong marketa nu reușiconjugări
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