dictionar englez roman

to assign

to assigna asignaconjugări
to assigna atribuiconjugări
to assigna alocaconjugări
to assigna arondaconjugări
to assigna trasaconjugări
to assigna încredințaconjugări
to assigna cesionaconjugări
to assigna repartizaconjugări
to assign its claimsa cesiona creanțele saleconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to assign": Tagen, take in, taken, taken away, Tatjana, Teagen, techno, the common aim, the day that he came, the dead season, the same, the tide is in, theism, thick skin, to take a name, to take aim, to take home, to take in, to take occasion, to take on, to take shame, to take some, to thicken, to tie a can on, to tie the can on, to toss a coin, to touch on, to toughen, to tuck in, tocsin, token, token money, toothsome, Toscana, toxaemia, toxin, Tswana, tuck-in, Tuscany, Tuscon, tutsan, twosome, tycoon, Tyson.

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