dictionar englez roman


theory testprobă de verificare a cunoștințelor
in theoryteoretic vorbind

Termeni asemănători cu "theory": tar, Tara, Tarah, tare, taro, Tarra, Tarrah, tarry, Tatar, tatter, tawdry, tea tree, Teador, Teadora, tear, tearaway, Teaura, Tedra, teeter, Teodoor, Teodor, Teodora, Teodoro, Tera, Teri, Terra, Terray, Terri, Terrie, terrier, terror, Terry, Terrye, tether, tetra, the ether, the other, the weather, Theadora, theatre, their, Theodor, Theodora, Theodore, there, there are, thiourea, thither, Thor, Thora, three, thro', throe, throw, throwaway, tiara, tidier, tier, tire, tiro, titre, titter, to a hair, to tar, to tarry, to tear, to tear away, to teeter, to the rear, to throw, to throw away, to tier, to tire, to titter, to totter, to tour, to tower, to try, to twitter, to tyre, Tora, Torah, Tore, Torey, Tori, Torie, Torr, Torre, Torrey, Torrie, Torry, Tory, tory, tottery, tour, tower, tray, Tray, Tre, tree, tree-hair, Trey, trio, Troy, troy, true, try, Tudor, Tudora, tutor, tweeter, twitter, Tyrah, tyre, tyro.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Every theory of love, from Plato down, teaches that each individual loves in the other sex what he lacks in himself.
(G. Stanley Hall)
Fiecare teorie despre dragoste, de la Platon încoace, demonstrează că fiecare persoană iubește la sexul opus ceea ce-i lipsește ei.
(G Stanley Hall)
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