dictionar englez roman


New TestamentNoul Testament
Old testamentVechiul Testament

Termeni asemănători cu "stamen": sack time, saskatoon, Satan, satiation, satin, section, sedan, sedation, sedition, sedum, set down, sexton, shake down, shakedown, shot down, show-down, showdown, shut down, shutdown, Sidnea, Sidnee, Sidney, Sidoney, Sidonia, Sidonnie, situation, sixteen, sixty-nine, sixty-one, socked in, sodden, sodium, sodomy, stadium, stain, stamina, Stan, station, steam, steamy, stem, stemma, stone, stony, stood down, stymie, suction, Sudan, sudden, suggestion, Sutton, Sweden, sweet Annie, sweet mama, sweet on, Sydney, sysadmin, system, to sadden, to section, to set a hen, to set down, to shake a wicked meam, to shake down, to shoot the moon, to shuck down, to shut down, to shut in, to sit at home, to sit down, to sit in, to stain, to station, to stay at home, to stay in, to steam, to stem, to stun, to stymie, to sustain, to sweeten.

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