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Este o conjugare a verbului to sell.

selling pricepreț de vânzare
selling raterată a vânzării devizelor
buying and selling of own real estatecumpărarea și vânzarea de bunuri imobiliare proprii
She's selling drugs at venues.Ea vinde droguri la evenimente.
the buying and selling of goodscumpărarea și vânzarea de mărfuri
The judge enjoined them from selling tobacco.Judecătorul le-a interzis să vândă tutun.
the minimum selling price to be observedprețul de vânzare minim care trebuie respectat
the selling priceprețul de vânzare
the selling price actually receivedprețul de vânzare efectiv primit
tying or tied sellingvânzări legate

Termeni asemănători cu "selling": sailing, Salem's, Salim's, Sallyann's, Sallyanne's, Salman's, Salmon's, Salome's, Salomo's, Salomon's, Salomone's, schooling, scullions, sealing wax, Selena's, Selene's, Selina's, Seline's, Selma's, Shallen's, shallowness, Shalna's, Shalne's, Shalom's, Shaylyn's, Shaylynn's, shelling, Shellyn's, shilling, Shlomo's, Sholom's, silence, silliness, sizzling, slams, slang, slangy, slewing, Slim's, slimes, slimness, slims, sling, slings, Sloan's, Sloane's, slowness, slueing, slums, slung, slunk, slyness, so long as, Solange, Solange's, Solomon's, succulence, suckling, sucklings, Suellen's, sullying, swallowing, swelling, swellings, to seal one's eyes, to shoe a gooseling, to show willing, to silence, to sling, to sling hash, to slink, to solemnize.

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