dictionar englez roman


secondsmarfă de calitatea a doua
to beat secondsa marca secundeleconjugări
five seconds startavans de cinci secunde
to have a lead of two secondsa avea un avans de două secundeconjugări
to have a lead of two secondsa conduce cu două secundeconjugări
The duration of the test shall be at least 20 seconds.Durata testului este de cel puțin 20 de secunde.

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "seconds": Samantha's, Sanda's, Sande's, Sandi's, Sandie's, Sandu's, Sanduca, Sanduca's, Sanducu, Sanducu's, sandwich, sandwiches, Sandy's, Sandye's, scanties, schematic, schismatic, Secunda's, semantic, semantics, Shamit's, Shanda's, Shandee's, Shandie's, Shandy's, Shanta's, Shantee's, Shaundee's, Sigismund's, Sigmund's, Simmonds, Simmonds's, Simonette's, Sindee's, Sinead's, skin heads, Smith's, Smitty's, smoothies, smudge, smuts, snatch, snatches, snitch, snitch wise, snitches, snoots, snots, snouts, so and so, so-and-so, squints, such and such, such-and-such, summits, Susanetta's, syntax, synthesis, synthetic, to sandwich, to sanitize, to shake hands, to smudge, to snatch, to snatch a kiss, to snitch, to swim in the sea, to synthesize, to synthetize.

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