dictionar englez roman


romantic/adult situationssituații romantice/pentru adulți
to romanticizea romantizaconjugări
There is a romantic dash in this painting.Este ceva romantic în tabloul acesta.
There is a romantic dash in this painting.Tabloul acesta are ceva romantic în el.
unromanticlipsit de romantism

Termeni asemănători cu "romantic": Raimund's, Ramonda's, Rand's, Randa's, Randee's, Randi's, Randie's, Randy's, Raymond's, Raymund's, Raymundo's, remedies, remnants, remote access, remote attack, Renado's, Renata's, Renate's, Renato's, Renaud's, rheumatic, rhinantus, rhinitides, rhinitis, Rhonda's, Romanitza, Romanitza's, Romonda's, Ronda's, roundeyes, roundish, rounds, runts, to romanticize, to run a tick, to run away with the show, to run on tick, to run the show.

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