dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to plank.

as thick as two short planksbătut în cap
as thick as two short planksprost ca noaptea
as thick as two short planksprost de dă în gropi
as thick as two short plankstare de cap
to burn the planksa sta mult timp într-un locconjugări
to burn the planksa sta mult timp nemișcatconjugări
to burn the planksa sta mult timp pe locconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "planks": paleness, paling, Paloma's, Paolina's, papillons, Paulina's, Pauline's, peeling, peelings, phalanx, Philomena's, piffling, pipelines, plains, planes, plank, planning, pliancy, plonk, plonks, plum cake, plumage, plunge, polemic, Polina's, polling, pollinosis, Pollyanna's, pooling, to plank, to play music, to plunge, to plunk.

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