dictionar englez roman

on the day

on the dayîn acea zi
on the dayîn ziua aceea
on the day when I met herîn ziua când am cunoscut-o
on the day when I met herîn ziua în care am cunoscut-o
The decision shall take effect on the day of its adoption.Decizia produce efecte la data adoptării.
This decision shall take effect on the day of its adoption.Prezenta decizie produce efecte la data adoptării.
value of goods on the day of valuationvaloarea bunurilor în ziua inventarierii

Termeni asemănători cu "on the day": omitted, on a diet, on a toot, on a wind, on duty, on end, on hand, on it, on Monday, on my oath, on oath, on that head, on the dead, on the dot, on the way, on the way out, on the way to, on to, on-hand, one day, one handed, Oneida, Onida, onto, owned, to omit, to omit to do.

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