dictionar englez roman

how are you

How are you doing?Ce mai faci?
How are you doing?Cum o mai duci?
How are you feeling?Cum te mai simți?
How are you feeling?Cum vă mai simțiți?
How are you getting on?Cum îți merge?
How are you getting on?Cum o mai duci?
How are you?Ce mai faceți?
How are you?Ce mai faci?
How are you?Cum te simți?
How are you?Cum vă simțiți?

Termeni asemănători cu "how are you": H-hour, hair, hairy, hare, Hare, Hari, Harri, Harrie, Harro, harrow, Harry, haywire, heir, her, here, Herero, hero, hewer, hire, Hiro, hoar, hoarier, hoary, hora, Horia, horror, hour, hurray, hurry, to harrow, to harry, to hear, to hire, to hurrah, to hurray, to hurry.

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