dictionar englez roman

far and wide

far and wideîn lung și în lat
far and wideîn toate părțile
far and widepeste tot
far and widepretutindeni
to see far and widea avea un orizont largconjugări
to see far and widea vedea departe în viitorconjugări
to see far and widea vedea lucrurile in perspectivăconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "far and wide": far and away, Farand, farm hand, Farrand, Ferinand, ferment, fermented, Fernanda, Fernande, Fernando, firmament, for rent, forehand, forewarned, forint, format, formatted, formed, framed, Fremont, friend, from day to day, from it, from out to out, front, frowned, to farm out, to ferment, to form into, to format, to frown at.

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