faineant | om indolent | ||||
faineant | persoană indolentă | ||||
faineant | indolent | ||||
faineants | oameni indolenți | ||||
faineants | persoane indolente | ||||
more faineant | mai indolent | ||||
the most faineant | cel mai indolent |
Termeni asemănători cu "faineant": faint, fainted, famed, fan out, fawned, feint, femininity, fended, Fhonda, fiend, find, fined, finite, foamed, fomented, fond, Fondi, fondue, font, found, found out, founded, fount, fumed, fund, fundie, to faint, to fend, to find, to find out, to foment, to found, to fume at.
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