Este o conjugare a verbului to decide.
Termeni asemănători cu "decided": dashed, data sheet, datasheet, days out, dazed, dead as a dodo, dead as the dodo, dead weight, decade, decayed, deceased, deceit, decked, decode, decoded, decoyed, dedicated, deduced, deducted, deicide, dejected, desiccated, desisted, destitute, detached, detected, detested, dicta, dictated, digest, digested, digit, diked, discussed, disguised, disgust, disgusted, dished, dished out, diskette, disquiet, disquieted, dissected, dissociated, dissuaded, ditch weed, ditched, docked, docket, dodged, dogged, dogwood, dosed, doughty, doused, dozed, duckweed, duct, duettist, dugout, dusked, dust, dusted, Dusty, dusty, Dwight, dyked, to decide, to decode, to dedicate, to deduct, to desiccate, to desist, to detect, to detest, to dice with death, to dictate, to die a dog's death, to die testate, to digest, to disassociate, to disgust, to dish it out, to dish out, to disquiet, to dissect, to dissociate, to dissuade, to do good to, to dust.
Citat exemplificator în engleză-română
The only time anyone has ever gotten into serious trouble was when he decided he could do nothing about something. (L. Ron Hubbard) | Singura dată când cineva a avut probleme serioase a fost atunci când a hotărât că nu poate face nimic în legătură cu un anumit lucru. (L. Ron Hubbard) |
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