dictionar englez roman


to commencea începeconjugări
the commencement of proceedings by the commissiondeschiderea procedurii de către comisie
the date and time of commencement of unloadingdata și ora începerii descărcării

Termeni asemănători cu "commence": caching, Cain's, Cam's, Cami's, Cammi's, Cammie's, cammock, Cammy's, Camon's, canes, cannons, Casiana's, casing, Cason's, ceasing, ceasings, census, censuses, Chaim's, chain saw, chain saws, chainsaw, chainsaws, chamois, chamoix, Chan's, chance, Chance, Chance's, Chancey, Chancey's, Chane's, Chaney's, change, Channa's, Chaunce, Chaunce's, Chauncey, Chauncey's, Chayan's, Chazney's, check-ins, Chen's, Chenney's, chewing, Cheyenne's, chimes, Chinese, chink, chinks, choking, choking gas, choking gases, chokings, chunk, Chyann's, Chyna's, Chynna's, cinch, cinches, Cinnamon's, coaxing, cocking, cockings, cocoons, cogency, cognac, cohesions, coinage, coins, comic, comics, coming, commonness, commonnesses, commons, communique, Con's, Conan's, conch, conches, concise, Congo, conic, Conney's, Conni's, Connie's, Conny's, conscious, Conway's, cooking, coons, cosines, cosiness, cosinesses, cosmic, Cosmin's, Cosmina's, Cosmo's, cosmos, cosmoses, coughing, coughings, cousins, cunning, cynic, to canonize, to cash in one's checks, to chance, to change, to chink, to cinch, to cock a snook, to cock one's eye, to cock snooks, to come in use, to cook one's goose.

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