Este o conjugare a verbului to cohere.
cohered | legat | ||||
cohered | unit |
Termeni asemănători cu "cohered": carat, card, carded, careered, caret, Cariotta, Carita, Caritta, carried, carried away, carrot, cart, carted, cash card, cashiered, certitude, Chardo, chariot, Chariot, Charita, charity, Charity, chart, charted, Chazworth, cheered, cheque card, Cherida, Cherrita, choke rod, chord, chored, cigarette, cord, Cordey, Cordie, Cordy, Coretta, Corette, corroded, court, courted, coward, cowered, crate, created, credit, credited, creed, cried, cried out, Croatia, crowd, crowded, crowded out, crude, crudity, cruet, curate, curd, cured, Curt, curt, to card, to carry out, to carry the day, to cart, to chart, to corrode, to court, to create, to credit, to crowd, to crowd out, to cry out.
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