dictionar englez roman

by half

by halffoartepentru a sublinia o exagerare
by halfcu multpentru a sublinia o exagerare
by halfmult preapentru a sublinia o exagerare
by halfpreapentru a sublinia o exagerare
He is too clever by half.Este un deștept și jumătate.ironic
too clever by halfmult prea deșteptironic
too clever by halfgrozav de deșteptironic
too good by halfgrozav de bun
too good by halfmult prea bun

Termeni asemănători cu "by half": babe of love, bailiff, behalf, belief, bell hop, bellboy, bellhop, Belva, Belvia, Beowulf, bivalve, blab, bleep, blip, blob, blow-off, bluff, Bolivia, bulb, by way of help, to ball up, to be a flop, to be well off, to be well up, to believe, to believe of, to blab, to bleep, to blip, to blow up, to bluff.

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