dictionar englez roman

blaze the way

to blaze the waya croi drum în pădureconjugări
to blaze the waya deschide drum nouconjugări
to blaze the waya deschide făgaș nouconjugări
to blaze the waya fi deschizător de drumuriconjugări
to blaze the waya fi pionierconjugări
to blaze the waya marca o cale în pădureconjugări
to blaze the waya marca un drum în pădureconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "blaze the way": balked, ballast, baulked, belched, biologist, black as soot, black seed, black suited, blacked, blacked out, blackhead, blackout, blast, blasted, blazed, bleached, blessed, blight, blighted, blockade, blockaded, blocked, blockhead, blockout, blushed, bow legged, bulged, bulkhead, the blowsiest, the blowziest, to be all agog to do, to be all set, to be blocked, to be liquidated, to be located, to be lost, to be obliged, to be published, to black out, to blast, to blight, to block out, to blockade.

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