dictionar englez roman


backsightînălțătorla o armă
backsightviză inversăgeodezie
backsight bedbaza înălțătoruluila o armă
backsightsînălțătoarela o armă
backsightsvize inversegeodezie

Termeni asemănători cu "backsight": baccate, back coat, back East, back seat, back tooth, back-cast, backed, backhead, backseat, backset, backside, backstay, baked, based, bashed, basked, basket, basswood, basted, beachhead, beaked, beast, beef stew, begged, behest, bequeathed, bequest, beseeched, beset, beside, besieged, besotted, besought, best, bestowed, biassed, big toe, bighead, bight, bigot, biscuit, bisected, boast, boasted, bobcat, booked, bookjacket, boosted, bossed, bought, bouquet, boxed, boxwood, Boy Scout, boy scout, boycott, boycotted, bucket, buckshot, bucktooth, buckwheat, bussed, bust, busted, busty, buzzed, by sight, bypassed, the baggiest, the best, the biggest, the booziest, to baby-sit, to babysit, to bach it, to back out, to backset, to baste, to be a quick study, to be agog with, to be as sick as a eat, to be caught, to be eight, to be faced with, to be past, to be past it, to be possessed with, to be seated, to be shocked, to be situated, to be sweet to, to be vexed with, to be wise to, to beget, to bequeath, to beset, to best, to bestow, to bisect, to boast, to boost, to boycott, to bust.

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