dictionar englez roman


WoodyWoodynume masculin
woody nightshadelăsniciorSolanum dulcamara; botanică
woody nightshadevița evreuluiSolanum dulcamara; botanică
woody stemstulpini lemnoase
Woody'slui Woodynume masculin
The base of the branches must not be too woody.Baza ramurilor nu trebuie să fie prea lemnoasă.

Termeni asemănători cu "Woody": to wad, to wade, to wait, to wait it out, to wed, to weed, to weed out, to weed to, to wet, to whet, wad, wadded, Wade, waded, wait, Wait, Waite, waited, Wat, watt, way ahead, way out, wed, wedded, weed, weed tea, weeded, weeded out, weedhead, weedy, wet, wet day, wet head, wetted, what, wheat, whet, whetted, whit, Whit, white, white hot, whitewood, whitey, Wiatt, wide, widow, widowhood, width, wit, Wit, with, with it, without, Wittie, Witty, witty, woad, wood, Wood, wood head, wooded, Woodie, wooed, Wyatt.

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