dictionar englez roman


techniques used for the assessmenttehnici utilizate pentru evaluare
the reference measurement and sampling techniquesmăsurarea de referință și tehnici de prelevare
working with the flow injection technique is advantageoustehnica de injecție în flux oferă avantaje

Termeni asemănători cu "Technique": Tagen's, taking, Tatjana's, tea essences, teaching, Teagen's, teasing, techniques, the common aims, the same as you, thickening, thickness, this much, thus much, ticking, to take a chance, to take a hinge, to take a knock, to take amiss, to take chances, to take one's choice, to take one's ease, to take one's way, to take one's whack, to take wing, to take wings, to tick one's I's, to toss one's cookies, tocsins, tokens, touchiness, touching, toughness, Tuscon's, tweaking, tweakings, twice as much, Tyson's.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

You can always learn something in bad acting classes, maybe it`s a technique you don`t like; maybe it`s a style. But you learn different things.
(Danielle Panabaker)
Întotdeauna poți să înveți ceva de la orele de actorie proaste. Poate o tehnică care nu-ți place, sau un stil. Însă înveți lucruri diferite.
(Danielle Panabaker)
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