dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to store.

stores, shops and market placesmagazine specializate, nespecializate, precum și neefectuat prin magazine
retail sale in non-specialized storescomerț cu amănuntul în magazine nespecializate
retail sale of other household goods in specialized storescomerț cu amănuntul al altor bunuri, în magazine specializate
retail sale of other household goods in specialized storescomerț cu amănuntul al altor produse casnice, în magazine specializate
the storage of the finished product in cold storesdepozitarea la rece a produsului finit

Termeni asemănători cu "Stores": Sagittarius, Saudra's, scatters, scut work, secateurs, shutters, shysters, side horse, side horses, sidetrack, sisters, sitters, Skeeter's, skeeters, squatters, staircase, stairs, Star's, starch, starches, starchy, stares, stark, Starr's, stars, statures, steerage, steers, stirs, storage, storch, storches, storehouse, Storey's, Stori's, stories, stork, streak, streaks, streaky, stress, stresses, strike, strikes, stroke, strokes, struck, Sturgis, Sturgis's, sweaters, to satirize, to see it through, to see stars, to see through, to set to work, to shed tears, to shoot the works, to sidetrack, to squeak through, to squeeze through, to stress, to strike, to stroke.

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