dictionar englez roman


Black and white are opposites.Negru și alb sunt antonime.
temporary work sitesșantiere temporare
tests for trichinae and other parasitesteste pentru trichinoză și alți paraziți
These sites will form an intercalibration network.Aceste situri formează o rețea de intercalibrare.
tourist camp-sitescampinguri turistice
waste land-fill sitesrampe de gunoi
websitessituri internet

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Sites": sad to say, Sada's, Sadie's, Satsuki, Satsuki's, schatzie, Scot's, Scotch, scotch, scotches, Scott's, Scotti's, Scottie's, Scottish, Scotty's, scuts, sedge, seditious, Seeds, Seeds's, Seth's, shaddows, shades, Shadow's, shadows, Shaithis, Shaithis's, sheets, shoots, shots, shouts, Sid's, side kick, side kicks, sides, sideways, sidewise, situash, sixths, sixty-six, skates, sketch, sketches, sketchy, skits, skittish, sky scouts, so to say, sockets, sod widows, sods, sottish, squads, Squeedo's, Stace, Stace's, Stacee, Stacee's, Stacey, Stacey's, Staci, Staci's, Stacia, Stacia's, Stacie, Stacie's, stack, stacks, Stacy, Stacy's, Stacye, Stacye's, stag, stage, stagecoach, stagecoaches, stages, stags, stagy, stake, stakes, stases, stash, stashes, stasis, statehoods, states, static, statics, stats, status, status quo, statuses, Stauche, Stauche's, stays, steadies, steak, steaks, Stesha, Stesha's, Stew's, stews, stick, sticks, sticky, sties, Stig, Stig's, stitch, stitches, stock, stocks, stocky, stodgy, stogie, stogies, stoic, stooge, stooges, stouts, stowage, Stu's, stucco, stuck, studies, studious, studs, such as do so, such as it is, sudds, suds, suitcase, suitcases, suites, suits, Susette's, Suzetta's, Suzette's, swastika, swatch, swatches, sweats, Swedish, sweetish, sweets, switch, switches, swots, Syd's, to scotch, to seduce, to shout the odds, to sketch, to stache, to stack, to stag, to stage, to stake, to stash, to state a case, to state the case, to stick, to stitch, to stock, to stodge, to stoke, to stucco, to switch.

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