dictionar englez roman


desirous of doing somethingdoritor să facă ceva
desirous to do somethingdornic să facă ceva
more desirousmai doritor să facă ceva
more desirousmai dornic să facă ceva
the most desirouscel mai doritor să facă ceva
the most desirouscel mai dornic să facă ceva

Termeni asemănători cu "Siro": saguaro, Sakura, Sara, Sarah, Sarau, Saree, Sari, sassier, saucer, saucier, Sawyer, Sawyere, Sayer, Sayre, scar, scary, score, scour, screw, screwier, screwy, scurry, scuzzier, sear, seashore, secure, securer, seer, seizure, sera, sere, Seri, sewer, shagger, Shara, Sharae, Sharai, share, Sharee, shareware, Shari, Sharia, Sharie, Sharir, Sharra, Sharree, Sharrie, sheer, Sheeree, sheerer, Sher, Sheree, Sheri, Sherie, Sherri, Sherrie, sherry, Sherry, Sherye, shicker, shikker, Shir, Shira, Shirah, shire, shocker, shooker, shore, shower, shrew, sicker, Sierra, sir, Sir, sire, sixer, skewer, skier, sky wire, soaker, soccer, soggier, soiree, sore, sorer, sorrow, sorry, sour, sower, square, squawker, squeaker, squeezer, squire, squishier, successor, succor, succour, sucker, sugar, sugary, sure, surer, Suri, swagger, Syria, to scare, to score, to scour, to screw, to scurry, to sear, to secure, to sewer, to share, to shear, to sheer, to skewer, to soar, to sour, to square, to squire, to succor, to succour, to sucker, to sugar, to swagger, to swear.

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