dictionar englez roman


to carry water in a sievea căra apa cu ciurulconjugări
test sievesită de testare
The sieves are to be fitted with a receiver.Sitele trebuie să fie prevăzute cu un colector.
The sieves may be fitted to a vibrating table.Sitele pot fi fixate pe o masă vibratoare.
wet sieve testtest de cernere umedă
wet sieve testtestul sitei umede

Termeni asemănători cu "Sieve": S.O.B., Saba, safe, sap, sap happy, sappy, save, savvy, scab, scabby, scape, scobe, scoff, scoop, scope, scuff, sepia, Sevea, shabby, shake up, shape, shave, sheaf, Sheba, sheep, Sheff, Sheffie, Sheffy, Shep, ship, shiv, shiva, shock wave, shook up, shop, shove, show off, show shop, shy off, Sib, Sibbie, Sibby, sick bay, sick ship, sip, size up, skibby, skiff, skip, Skip, Skipp, Skippie, Skippy, skivvy, SOAP, soap, soapy, sob, sofa, Sofia, Sofie, sop, Sophey, Sophi, Sophia, Sophie, soppy, soup, soupy, spa, spiffy, spoof, spy, squab, squib, suave, sub, subway, successive, swab, swap, swave, sweep, swipe, swoop, swop, sysop, to sack up, to sap, to save, to save up, to savvy, to scape, to scoff, to scoop, to scuff, to see off, to seep, to sew up, to shack up, to shake up, to shape, to shape up, to shave, to shiv, to shove, to shove off, to show off, to show up, to sip, to size up, to skip, to skive, to soap, to soap up, to sob, to soup, to soup up, to spay, to spew, to spiff, to spoof, to spy, to squib, to sub, to sup, to swap, to sweep, to sweep away, to sweep up, to swipe, to swoop.

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