dictionar englez roman


client/server computingmodel de exploatare client/serverinformatică
computingde calcul
computing centrecentru de calcul
reduced instruction set computingcalcul pe set redus de instrucțiuniinformatică

Termeni asemănători cu "Putin": Paten, Patin, Patiny, Paton, Patton, pet name, pete man, pete men, petition, Petunia, petunia, Peyton, piped down, podium, pop-up item, potion, put down, Putnam, python, to pad down, to pay out money in, to petition, to pipe down, to put a whammy on, to put down, to put in, to put it on, to put money, to put money on, to put on, to put on moon, to put the heat on, to put the tin on, to put the whammy on.

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