dictionar englez roman


Alice doesn't live here anymore.Alice nu mai locuiește aici.
Allen is a poet.Allen este poet.
aloealoeAloe vera; botanică
American aloeagavăAgave americana; botanică
amoebaamibăAmoeba; zoologieimagine
amoebaamoebăAmoeba; zoologieimagine
anything goesmerge orice.
Anything goes.Se poate orice.familiar
as the phrase goescum se spune
as the phrase goescum se zice
as the saying goescum se spune
as the saying goescum spune zicala
as the saying goesvorba proverbului
as the saying goesvorba zicalei
as the story goesdupă cum se spune.
baked potatoes with cheesecartofi cu brânză la cuptor
Be on your toes!Dă-i bătaie!
Be on your toes!Dă-i drumul!

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