dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to need.

Good wine needs no bush.Calul bun se laudă singur în grajd.proverb
must needstrebuie neapărat
must needstrebuie negreșit
to meet the needsa satisface nevoileconjugări
to satisfy one's needsa face față nevoilorconjugări
to satisfy one's needsa-și satisface necesitățileconjugări
the balance of needs and resourcesechilibrul dintre nevoi și resurse
the identification and assessment of needsidentificarea și evaluarea necesităților
This list needs to be updated.Această listă trebuie actualizată.

Termeni asemănători cu "Needs": Nada's, Nadia's, Nadiya's, Nady's, Nadya's, Nanete's, Nanette's, Nannette's, Nat's, Nata's, Natascha, Natascha's, Natasha, Natasha's, Natassia, Natassia's, natch, Nate's, Natka, Natka's, Natty's, Ned's, Neda's, Nedda's, Neddie's, Neddy's, Nedi's, Netta's, Netti's, Nettie's, Netty's, newts, Nidia's, nimieties, Ninetta's, Ninette's, ninety-six, Ninnetta's, Ninnette's, ninths, Nita's, no dice, nod guy, nod guys, nomadic, notch, notches, note tag, notes, notice, notices, nowadays, nudge, nut case, nut cases, nut house, nut houses, nuts, Nydia's, to noodge, to notch.

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