dictionar englez roman


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Termeni asemănători cu "Hoosi": hack, hacks, hacksaw, hag, Haggai, hags, haiku, haikus, hake, has, hash, hasheesh, hashes, hassock, Hausa, hawk, hawkish, haws, haycock, haycocks, Hayes, Hayes's, Haz, Haz's, haze, hazy, he's, hee-haws, Hew's, Hewe's, Hewey's, Hewie's, hex, hexes, Hezekiah, Hezekiah's, Hiay's, hiccough, hick, high, high seas, highs, highway, highways, hijack, hijacks, hike, his, hiss, hoax, hock, hockey, Hoey's, hog, hoggish, hook, hose, Hosea, hough, house, houses, Howie's, Huey's, hug, huge, Hugh, Hugh's, Hugo, Hugo's, hugs, huies, huis, hush, hush hush, husk, husky, hussy, Hy's, to hack, to hash, to hawk, to haze, to hex, to hiccough, to hijack, to hike, to hiss, to hoax, to hog, to hoise, to hook, to house, to hug, to hush, to husk.

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