dictionar englez roman


friend of theirsprieten de-al lor
friend of theirsprietenă de-a lor
friends of theirsprietene de-ale lor
friends of theirsprieteni de-ai lor
That house is theirs.Casa aceea e a lor.
theirsa lor
theirsai lor
theirsal lor
theirsale lor

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Heirs": Hari's, Harri's, Harrie's, Harris, Harris's, Harro's, Harry's, harsh, hayrick, hayricks, hearsay, hearse, heiress, heresy, heroic, Herrick, Herrick's, hers, Hersch, Hersch's, Hersh, Hersh's, hierarchy, Hiro's, Hirsch, Hirsch's, hoarse, Horace, Horace's, Horacio, Horacio's, Horia's, horse, horses, horseshoe, to harass, to hark, to horse.

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