dictionar englez roman


Guido'slui Guidonume masculin

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Guido's": gates, Gates, Gates's, gateways, geodesy, Geta's, Getutza, Getutza's, ghats, ghettoes, ghettos, Ghitza, Ghitza's, ghosts, goddess, Gogutza, Gogutza's, good kick, good kicks, goodish, goods, Gothic, guesthouse, Gusta's, Gusti's, Gustie's, Gusty's, guts, to get a shock, to get high, to get the axe, to get the cheese, to get the chuck, to get the edge, to get the goose, to get the hook, to get the kick, to get the okay, to get the sack, to get wise, to go out to sea, to go stag, to go to sea, to go to show, to go to the dogs, to go to the woods.

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