dictionar englez roman


to be godfather to a childa fi nașul unui copilconjugări
to be godfather to a childa năși un copilconjugări
to stand as godfather toa fi nașcopiluluiconjugări
to stand godfather toa fi nașcopiluluiconjugări
to stand godfather to a childa fi nașul unui copilconjugări
to stand godfather to a childa năși un copilconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "Godfath": gadabout, good faith, to get about, to get out of the way, to get out of the wood, to get the boot, to get up at, to get up to date with, to go out of date, to go out of the way, to go out of the way to do, to go to bat, to go to bed, to go to pot, to go to the bad, to go to the bat with, to go to the vote.

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