dictionar englez roman


gilt edgedcu marginile aurite
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada lua strălucirea unui lucruconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada strica aspectul unui lucruconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada strica toată bucuriaconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada strica toată plăcereaconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada strica tot chefulconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada tăia elanulconjugări
to take the gilt of the ginger-breada îi strica fasonulfamiliar în limba românăconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "Gilt": gaggled, galled, gaslit, gelded, gelid, giggled, Gilda, gilded, gilled, Glad, glad, glade, Gladeya, Gladi, Gleda, glide, glided, gloat, gloated, glued, gold, Golda, Goldi, Goldia, Goldie, Goldy, Googled, googled, guild, guilt, guilty, gulled, gullet, to geld, to gild, to glide, to gloat, to glow with, to go all out, to go all the way, to go all the way with, to go cold, to go ill with.

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