Este o conjugare a verbului to chart.
charts | diagrame | ||||
charts | hărți | ||||
charts | hărți marine | ||||
charts | hărți maritime | ||||
charts | tabele | ||||
flowcharts | organigrame | ||||
flowcharts | scheme bloc | ||||
temperature charts | diagrame de temperatură |
Termeni asemănători cu "Charts": cardiac, cards, carets, Cariotta's, Carita's, Caritta's, cartage, cartages, Cartessia, Cartessia's, cash cards, Chardo's, Chariot's, Charita's, Charity's, Chazworth's, Cherida's, Cherrita's, Cordey's, Cordie's, Cordy's, Coretta's, Corette's, cortege, Cortese, Cortese's, cortex, courteous, courtesy, courts, cowardice, Craitza, Craitza's, credits, critic, critique, crotch, crotches, crowds, crutch, crutches, Curt's, Curtice, Curtice's, Curtis, Curtis's, curtsey, to carry to excess, to cheer to the echo, to criticise, to criticize, to curtsey.
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