dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to catch.

It is the early bird that catches the worm.Cine se scoală de dimineață departe ajunge.proverb
One beats the bush, and another catches the bird.Unul macină, altul mănâncă.proverb
One beats the bush, and another catches the bird.Unul o ține și altul o mulge.proverb
the date and location of such catchesdata și locul capturilor respective
the date and position of such catchesdata și poziția acestor capturi
The early bird catches the worm.Cine se scoală dimineața departe ajunge.
total allowable catchescaptura totală admisibilă
undeclared catchescapturi nedeclarate
weekly catchescapturi săptămânale

Termeni asemănători cu "Catches": cactus, cactuses, caddies, caddish, cads, cake with cacao, cakes with cacao, cash desk, cassette deck, castaways, Cat's, Cata's, catch, catchy, Cate's, Catha's, Cathe's, Cathee's, cathetus, Cathi's, Cathie's, Cathy's, Cati's, Catie's, cats, cattish, Caty's, caustic, cautios, cautious, Chad's, Chadd's, Chaddie's, Chaddy's, Chadwick, Chadwick's, chaotic, Chastity's, chatties, check-outs, checkouts, cheetahs, Chet's, Chiquita's, chutes, cicadas, codec, Codee's, Codi's, Codie's, Cody's, coitus, coituses, cooties, coquettes, coquettish, Cosetta's, Cosette's, cossets, Costa's, Costea's, Costi's, Costica, Costica's, costs, cottage, cottage cheese, coyotes, cuds, cuties, cystitis, to cadge, to catch, to catch a case, to catch his eye, to catch Jesee, to chastise, to cut a dash, to cut didoes, to cut eyes, to cut to the quick.

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