the incorporation of minor amendments to the CPA | includerea unor modificări minore în CPA | ||||
the interpretation of the CPA | interpretarea CPA |
Termeni asemănători cu "CPA": Caaba, cab, cabby, cafe, cap, cape, cassava, cave, cep, chafe, chaff, chap, chappy, chav, cheap, chef, Chev, Chevy, chickpea, chief, chip, Chip, chive, chop, choppy, chubby, Cip, Cipi, co-op, cob, Cob, Cobb, Cobbie, Cobby, cobby, cobweb, coffee, cohesive, coop, cop, copaiba, copaiva, cope, copy, coup, cove, covey, cowboy, coypu, cub, Cuba, cube, cubeb, cuff, cup, cusp, Cyb, to cab, to cap, to cape, to cave, to chafe, to chaff, to chap, to check off, to check up, to chip, to choke off, to choke up, to chop, to cook up, to coop, to cop, to cope, to copy, to cough up, to cube, to cuff.
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